@fernandopaiva wrote:
I have a factory and I want to change value of input. How could I do this ?
var app = angular.module('starter'); app.factory('CameraFactory', ['$q', function($q, ngFileModel) { var options = { quality: 50, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: 0, // 0:Photo Library, 1=Camera, 2=Saved Photo Album } var onSuccess = function(imageData) { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(imageData, function(fileEntry) { //console.log(fileEntry.nativeURL); ngFileModel.setPath(fileEntry.nativeURL); }); var image = document.getElementById('smallimage'); image.src = imageData; }; var onFail = function(e) { console.log("onFail! " + e); }; return { getPicture: function() { return navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess,onFail,options); } } }]);
var app = angular.module('starter'); app.directive('ngFileModel', function(){ return{ restrict:'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs){ var field = attrs.ngFileModel; scope.$watch('setPath', function(filePath){ field.value = filePath; }); } }; });
<div> <img ng-src="img/ionic.png" id="smallimage" width="150" heigth="150"> <input type="file" ng-model='User.imageFile' id='imageFile' ng-file-model/> <button class="button button-stable" ng-click="selectImage();">Imagem</button>
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