@Stefferp wrote:
Hey there,
I'm having a problem trying to get the proper numeric keypad on iOS using input type="number"
On Android, using type="number" brings up a numeric keypad with nice big numbers and a decimal point, which is all great.
(image: https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/euf/assets/images/faqs/JB/androidkeypad.png)On iOS, using type="number" brings up a keyboard that looks like the standard ABC keyboard but with a bunch of special characters, which is unwieldly to use for putting in number values.
(image: http://st1.bgr.in/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/ios-7-india-keyboard.jpg)Changing the input type to "tel" turns the keyboard on iOS into a proper numeric keypad with the big ol number keys, but it doesn't come with a decimal point character. (a period or comma)
Being able to input decimal numbers is crucial in this scenario, so I really need to find a way to force the numeric keypad to include a period or a comma symbol.If anyone has any idea how to accomplish this, I'd really like to know!
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