@stel wrote:
Hello, I am making Ionic application and I have the following problem when I run it on IOS Device!
I have 3 select boxes, where I get information from JSON file, for example in the 1st select box I select the country (USA) then in the second box I get all the USA states and so on.. my problem is when I select in the second any state, for example, California, (the 2n option) and press done (on iPhone) the select box show the-the (3d option) instead of the one I selected (for example Colorado) , but the information I get is the right on (from the California) , so the problem is only in the select box , and I got this problem only in the device, not in the browser ..
here is my code from the template:
<ion-view class="est-background">
<div class="row responsive-lg"> <div class="item item-input item-select est-select-label"> <div class="input-label est-label-image-state"></div> <div class="style-select color-white"> <select id="state" ng-model="citiessource" ng-options="state for (state,city) in statessource"> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row responsive-lg"> <div class="item item-input item-select est-select-label"> <div class="input-label est-label-image-city"></div> <div class="style-select color-white"> <select id="city" ng-disabled="!citiessource || !statessource" ng-model="city" ng-change="getByCity(city)"> <option ng-repeat="city in citiessource" value='{{city}}'>{{city}}</option> </select> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
also, I had the same problem when I was getting the values from the array instead of JSON file.
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