@sefasaid wrote:
well ı want to make a sidemenu for notifications but ng-repeat not working
here is an example for notification in my controller but it doesn't show anything$scope.notiler=[{id:2,bakilma:0,type:2,bildirim_eki:{source:"",
date:"2015-12-04 00:10:00",
last_date:"2015-12-06 07:10:00",
user__id:"99"}}];and here is my sidemenu
<div class="list" ng-repeat="noti in notiler"> <a ng-if="noti.type=='1'" class="item item-avatar" href="#"> <img src="{{noti.bildirim_eki.profile_pic}}"> <h2>{{noti.bildirim_eki.nick}}</h2> <p>Seni Takip Etti.</p> </a> <a ng-if="noti.type=='2'" class="item item-thumbnail-left" href="#"> <img src="{{noti.bildirim_eki.source}}"> <h2>Oylama Bitmek Üzere!</h2> <p>Ne kadar gider aldığını görmek için üzerine tıkla</p> </a> </div> </ion-content> <ion-footer-bar class="bar bar-footer"> <a class="button button-full button-assertive" style="margin-top: 0px !important;width: 100% !important;" >Bildirimleri sil</a> </ion-footer-bar> </ion-side-menu>`
in device it shows
<!-- ngRepeat: noti in notiler -->
what is the problem
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