@markbbishop wrote:
I have an ionic framework using the tabbed slide-box and have a
tag in each tab using ng-include to embed my html files in my templates directory. I have a plugin using stripe, but am unable to get it working with my current setup. I believe it has to do with my angular-ui-route, ng-include, or the 'maincontroller' and how it's setup. My speculation is to start with below.When I use the normal ionic structure in my app.js before my routerprovider/stateprovider, which is:
angular.module('starter', [ 'ionic', 'starter.controller-list', 'starter.controller-main', 'starter.controller-wp', ])
The tab slidebox and everything stops working. I have in the few js files at the top before the controllers and such:
angular.module('starter.controller-list', [])
However, when I use my structure I was doing, the slidebox worked as well as everything EXCEPT the stripe plugin. Here is the app.js before the urlrouterprovider/stateprovider:
(function() { var app = angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'youtube-embed', 'angularMoment', 'LocalStorageModule']);
And here is the top of one of my JS files before the controllers and such:
Any thoughts how to fix this or why it's behaving like it is?
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