@luchillo17 wrote:
I did update to alpha.42 and this error started poping up when i use a function that makes use of the ionic popup, i'm using it like the next code, closeDialog "should" close any popup that's open and it is called inside each popup function, all is still working but the error still feels odd,
nav controller actively transitioning
:closeDialog() { var this_ref = this; if (this.dialog) { setTimeout(() => { var dialog = this_ref.popup.get(); dialog.close && dialog.close(); this_ref.dialog = null; }, 400); }; } showAlert(args) { this.closeDialog(); args.title = args.title || 'Error obteniendo datos'; args.subTitle = args.subTitle || ''; args.template = args.template || ''; this.dialog = true; return this.popup.alert({ title: args.title, subTitle: args.subTitle, template: args.template, cssClass: 'alert', okText: 'Cerrar', okType: 'primary' }); } showProgress(args) { this.closeDialog(); args.title = args.title || 'Descargando dias visita...'; args.subTitle = args.subTitle || ''; args.template = args.template || '<i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin fa-3x"></i>'; this.dialog = true; return this.popup.alert({ title: args.title, subTitle: args.subTitle, template: args.template, cssClass: 'progress', okText: '', okType: 'primary' }); }
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