@Joekomputer wrote:
I'm trying to create a directive that reveals a popup bubble when you tap and hold on the element. When I use the on-hold directive everything seems to work, but when I use the ionicGesture service I am unable to attach focus to revealed element. Here is my code that works:
app.directive("copyContent", function ($rootScope, $compile, $document, $timeout) { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { var popup = "<div class='copy-popup' ng-show='copying'><input type='button' value='Copy' ng-click='copyItem()' ng-blur='removePopup()' class='button button-dark'></div>"; var el = $compile( popup )( $scope ); $element.append( el ); $scope.$watch('copying', function(newValue, oldValue) { $timeout(function () { if (newValue){ $element.addClass('copy-select'); el.find('input').focus(); } }); }); $scope.removePopup = function(){ $scope.copying = false; $element.removeClass('copy-select'); }; $scope.copyItem = function () { var copyString = $attr.copyContent; console.log(copyString); if(cordova.plugins){ cordova.plugins.clipboard.copy(copyString); } $scope.removePopup(); }; } }; });
and the html:
<div ng-repeat="comment in comments track by $index" class="message-wrapper"> <div class="chat-bubble right" copy-content="{{comment}}" on-hold="copying = true"></div> </div>
The unexpected behavior occurs when I try removing the on-hold directive from the html and instead try using the ionicGesture service within the copy-content directive, like this:
app.directive("copyContent", function ($rootScope, $compile, $document, $timeout, $ionicGesture) { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { var popup = "<div class='copy-popup' ng-show='copying'><input type='button' value='Copy' ng-click='copyItem()' ng-blur='removePopup()' class='button button-dark'></div>"; var el = $compile( popup )( $scope ); $element.append( el ); $scope.removePopup = function(){ console.log('blur'); $scope.copying = false; $element.removeClass('copy-select'); }; $scope.copyItem = function () { var copyString = $attr.copyContent; if(cordova.plugins){ cordova.plugins.clipboard.copy(copyString); } $scope.removePopup(); }; $ionicGesture.on("hold", function(){ $scope.copying = true; $timeout(function () { console.log('focus'); $element.addClass('copy-select'); el.find('input').focus(); }); }, $element); } }; });
and the html:
<div ng-repeat="comment in comments track by $index" class="message-wrapper"> <div class="chat-bubble right" copy-content="{{comment}}"></div> </div>
The popup seems to show correctly, but the removePopup function on ng-blur is not fired when clicking outside of the input type=button. Why would using the ionicGesture service cause ng-blur to not be fired correctly, and using the on-hold directive work?
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