@Blackscreen wrote:
I am developing my first Ionic-App which has 4 tabs(home,category,chat,profile) + Camera button in the middle.
So now my question is: How can I use one route, as Example tabs_footer.userProfileFeed, which I can call from every tab/view like this:
and my thought was to define the state like this:
.state('tabs_footer.userprofileFeed', {
url: '/userprofileFeed/:imageID',
views: {
'profile-tab' : {
templateUrl: 'templates/userprofile/userprofile_gallery_detail.html'
'category-tab' : {
templateUrl: 'templates/userprofile/userprofile_gallery_detail.html'
'notifications-tab' : {
templateUrl: 'templates/userprofile/userprofile_gallery_detail.html'
'homeGallery-tab' : {
templateUrl: 'templates/userprofile/userprofile_gallery_detail.html'
and here the state of tabs_footer:undefined> .state('tabs_footer', {
url: '/tabsFooter',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'tabs_footer.html'
but it seems them I am using this wrong. How can this be solved right?So in Conclusion:
I want one state for all views which I want to call over ui-sref="tabs_footer.userProfileFeed"
Please help me!
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