@tobias_philipp wrote:
After running
ionic build ios
my included swiper.js and .css is missing. If I use "ionic serve" it is working fine.I started my project with Ionic 1.1. I was using the iDangero swiper installed with bower:
bower install swiper
Now I updated my project to Ionic 1.2.1 which apparently now uses the same swiper as directiveion-slides
. For one of my sliders I actually need to use the original iDangero Swiper though. That is because I want to display 3 images at a time while there's an overlay on the left and the right image.
My HTML looks like so:<div class="swiper-container"> <div class="sliderOverlay"></div> <div class="sliderOverlay rightOvl"></div> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="s in $jsonData" on-finish-render="ngRepeatFinished"> <div class="sliderDistance"><span ng-bind="s.extraText6"></span></div> <img ng-src="data/{{s.mainId}}/img/grid.jpg" width="100%"> <div class="sliderInfo"> <div class="sliderTitle">{{s.title}}</div> </div> </div> </div>
I was not able to get the same layout working with
. Any idea why the swiper files are discarded on building iOS?
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