@martin_spriggs wrote:
When testing updates with my fairly straightforward app on Xcode 7 and iOS 9 I'm having problems retrieving JSON feeds fairly regularly. For instance I'll retrieve a JSON feed which I then output in a list. Pre iOS 9...no problem. Now I consistently get ERROR: Error Fetched Feed in the Xcode debug console. Both in the Simulator and when loaded to the device. However, I can refresh the page and the feed loads.
Here is the factory that I use to pull the JSON:
> WELSMobile.factory('GetJSONData', function ($http, $q) { > return { > getJSONFeed: function(link1) { > var deferred = $q.defer(); > $http.get(link1) > .success(function(data) { > if (typeof data === 'object') { > deferred.resolve(data); > } else { > deferred.reject(data); > } > }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) { > deferred.reject(data); > }); > return deferred.promise; > } > }; > });
Here is how I call it:
> WELSMobile.controller("ListRead", ["$scope", "GetJSONData", ListRead]); > function ListRead($scope, GetJSONData) { > var url = ""; > var theURL = window.location.hash; > if (theURL.search("todaysdevotionlist") > 1) { > url = TodaysDevotion; > } > if (theURL.search("3yrbiblelist") > 1) { > url = ThreeYearBible; > } > if (theURL.search("militarydevotionlist") > 1) { > url = MilitaryDevotion; > } > GetJSONData.getJSONFeed(url) > .then(function (data) { > $scope.feed = { > items: data, > title: data.title, > length: data.length > }; > }, function (error) { > console.error('Error fetching feed:', error); > }); > $scope.refresh = function () { > location.reload(); > }; > }
Here is how the page/list get's refreshed (which usually loads the content correctly:
> $scope.refresh = function () { > location.reload(); > };
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