@LouisR wrote:
I am using this tutorial to log my users via Google+ (this tuto is really good by the way).
But I only get access to the user's email, and I would like to know if it is possible to get more info like his name, gender, etc... ?
window.plugins.googleplus.login({ //'scopes': 'profile' }, function (user_data) { // For the purpose of this example I will store user data on local storage console.log(user_data) var response = user_data, userr = { _id: new Date().toISOString(), authVia: 'google', GId: response.userId, name: response.displayName, email: response.email, picture: response.imageUrl, firstName: response.given_name, lastName: response.family_name, accessToken: response.accessToken, idToken: response.idToken, gender: response.gender, locale: response.locale, link: response.link, gVerified: response.verified_email }; ...
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