@jtmarmon wrote:
I have an ionic modal presented by FooController (note that it's a different controller than the one for the modal) like so:
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/my-modal.html', { scope: $scope, animation: 'slide-in-up' }).then(function(modal) { $scope.modal = modal $scope.modal.show() })
The modal looks like this:
<ion-modal-view ng-controller="EditCtrl" class="modal"> <ion-header-bar class="modal-header-bar"> <button class="button button-clear">Cancel</button> <h1 class="title">Edit</h1> <button class="button button-clear">Save</button> </ion-header-bar> <ion-content> <div id="foo"></div> </ion-content> </ion-modal-view>
Then in edit_controller.js:
Returns null. How can I have
refer to the currently shown modal?For reference - my goal here is to achieve this ios design pattern of performing an atomic action in a modal
Thanks in advance for any help! Happy to clarify if needed
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