@luchillo17 wrote:
Hi, i have a component inside a ion-item with a
event attached but it doesn't works, the(click)
ones attached directly to the otherion-item
's works, it's just the one in the component, why?, i think it's the ion-item catching the click events before the component does, maybe has to do withz-index
?:Parent html:
<ion-item [ngClass]="{'primary-disabled': sync}"> <syncServ (synced)="onSync($event)"></syncServ> </ion-item>
Child html:
<div (click)="syncServer()"> <i class="fa fa-refresh fa-2x"></i> <div> P: {{ orders }} V: {{ visits }} </div> </div>
Child component js:
import {Component, Output, EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core'; import {Config, DB} from '../../services/services'; @Component({ selector: 'syncServ', templateUrl: 'build/components/sync/sync.html', }) export class SyncComponent { orders = 0 visits = 0 tryIt = true @Output() synced = new EventEmitter(); constructor( conf: Config, db: DB ) { this.conf = conf this.db = db console.log('Test') } ngOnInit() { this.synced.emit({value: true}) } syncServer() { console.log('SyncServ') this.tryIt = !this.tryIt if (this.tryIt) { this.synced.emit({value: true}) } else { this.synced.emit({value: false}) } } }
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