@samuelprabhu wrote:
I am using ion-autocomplete (https://github.com/guylabs/ion-autocomplete) for my mobile application. I need to set the selected value in ion-autocomplete, which is similar to dropdownlist.
For eg: Autocomplete to displays all the countries, need to set the
selected country. If the user already selected the country India, when
he open again for edit it should show India selected and also to show
other values.< input ion-autocomplete type="text" readonly="readonly" class="ion-autocomplete" placeholder="Enter the country to search" items-method="getCountries(query)" items-clicked-method="loadStates(callback)" item-view-value-key="name" item-value-key="id_country" items-method-value-key="items" max-selected-items="1" autocomplete="off" ng-model="registration.id_country"/> $scope.countries =[{"id_country":"1","sortname":"AF","name":"Afghanistan"}, {"id_country":"2","sortname":"AL","name":"Albania"}, {"id_country":"3","sortname":"DZ","name":"Algeria"}, {"id_country":"4","sortname":"AS","name":"American Samoa"}, {"id_country":"5","sortname":"IN","name":"India"}]; $scope.getCountries = function(query) { var returnValue = { items: [],selectedItems:[] }; $scope.countries.forEach(function(item){ if (item.name.indexOf(query) > -1 ){ returnValue.items.push(item); } else if (item.id_country.indexOf(query) > -1 ){ returnValue.items.push(item); } }); return returnValue; }
In ng-model registration.id_country, I am passing the country id. I
have tried similar to set the value by passing to ng-model but not
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