@Ionicoser wrote:
Hi all
Quick facts: User takes a new profile picture. Same Picturename (caching problem, profileid.jpg) - Trying to reload the state to display the new picutre.
This works:
$state.go('app.settings', {id: profileId}, { reload: true, inherit: false, notify: true });This dosn't works:
$state.go('app.settings', {id: profileId});
In the second try my navbar is hidden and some parts of the layxout are destoryed.
I've also tried it by using a timestamp like
$scope.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
and reset $scope.timestamp after taking the picture.The View:
<div class="profilepic" ng-click="takeAPicture()" style="background-image:url('{{dataDirectory}}/{currentProfile.picture}}?revision={{timestamp}}');"></div>
Maybe someone can help me to refresh the picture? Any ideas?
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