@stevenfitzpatrick wrote:
I have the following routes :
.state('home', { url: '/home', abstract: true, templateUrl: 'app/home/home.html' }) .state('home.search', { url: '/search', views: { 'home-search': { templateUrl: 'app/search/search.html', controller: 'SearchCtrl', controllerAs: 'vm' } } }) .state('home.options', { url: '/options', views: { 'home-search': { templateUrl: 'app/search/options.html', controller: 'OptionsCtrl', controllerAs: 'vm' } } }) .state('home.multi', { url: '/multi', abstract: true, views: { 'home-search': { templateUrl: 'app/search/options-tabs.html', controller: 'MultiOptionsCtrl', controllerAs: 'vm' } } }) .state('home.multi.address', { url: "/address", views: { 'home-search-subtab': { templateUrl: 'app/search/options-address.html' } } })
with a default of
and back buttons set up :
<ion-nav-back-button class="button-clear"> <i class="ion-arrow-left-c"></i> Back </ion-nav-back-button> <ion-nav-buttons side="left"> <button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button> </ion-nav-buttons>
If I navigate from home.search to home.options the back button shows and left menu icon is hidden.
But if I navigate from home.search to home.multi.address the back button is hidden and left menu icon shows.
How come it doesn't follow same logic ?
Edit : here is also the options-tab.html, I have a feeling the fact that I want to load a sub view is the problem here.
<ion-view class="home-search padding" padding="true"> <ion-header class="bar bar-subheader options-tabs"> <div class="subTabs"> <a class="tabsItem" ui-sref-active='active' nav-transition="none" ui-sref="home.multi.address">Address</a> <a class="tabsItem" ui-sref-active='active' nav-transition="none" ui-sref="home.multi.business">Business</a> </div> </ion-header> <ion-content class="has-subheader inner-content padding"> <ion-nav-view name="home-search-subtab"></ion-nav-view> </ion-content> </ion-view>
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