@Thomas2017 wrote:
I have taken the search bar demo docs and changed the code to use this.items as a json array and not strings. I keep getting an EXCEPTION: Error during evaluation of "input". yet if I go back to string there are no problems. i am just experimenting at this time to see what can be done with Ionic 2 search. Here is a sample of the code
<ion-navbar *navbar> <ion-title>Searchbar</ion-title> </ion-navbar> <ion-content padding class="status"> <ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="searchQuery" (input)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar> <ion-list> <ion-item *ngFor="#item of items"> {{ item.name }}<br>{{ item.position}} </ion-item> </ion-list> </ion-content>
import {Page} from 'ionic/ionic'; @Page({ templateUrl: 'build/pages/status/status.html', }) export class Status { constructor() { this.searchQuery = ''; this.initializeItems(); } initializeItems() { this.items = [ {"name":"Moby Dick","position":"Big ass whale"}, {"name":"Jaws","position":"Fish with anger issues"} ]; } getItems(searchbar) { // Reset items back to all of the items this.initializeItems(); // set q to the value of the searchbar var q = searchbar.value; // if the value is an empty string don't filter the items if (q.trim() == '') { return; } this.items = this.items.filter((v) => { if (v.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) > -1) { return true; } return false; }) } }
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