@larskniep wrote:
Is there a bug with the directive? I can't seem to set one radio button (inside a collection of radio buttons) to be checked..
I've tried everything, it just doesn't work...
Example im using:
<div class="list list-inset"> <ion-radio ng-repeat="r in radioButtons" ng-model="user.encryption" ng-checked="r.checked" ng- value="r.value"> {{r.text}}</ion-radio> </div>
and in controller:
$scope.radioButtons = [ {text: "No Encryption", value: "no_encryption", checked : "checked"}, {text: "MD5", value: "md5_encryption"}, {text: "SHA1", value: "sha1_encryption"}, ];
The above is just one example i've tried, i've tried so many, even setting ng-checked="true" or "checked" manually.
Am i doing something wrong?
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