@mbLc wrote:
I don't know why but I have a samsung tablet working fine even without the whitelist plugin and my friend (who is not in the same city) can't log in into the app. So I supposed it was the whitelist plugin, I installed it and worked fine for him.
Now I've upgrade to cordova 5 and it's not working for him anymore. I tried to remove and re add the plugin, to add the meta, the allow-intent and origin in the config.xml but nothing is working.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">
<access origin="*" />
<allow-intent href="http://*/*"/>
<allow-intent href="https://*/*"/>Why is it working on my device and not his? Why I never experienced this problem? And mostly, how to fix it? Is there some kind of test I can make him do to solve the issue?
Thanks for your help
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