@infinityCounter wrote:
I have an ionic scrollbox and a help button that on clicking activates a tour instance form the nzTour class. I have been able to change the slidebox to it's subsequent pages using the after element of object, however it dawned on me that I have no way to navigate to the previous page if someone presses the back button on the tour. I'm not sure how to correct this, nor do I know if there are any tour libraries are able to do this. Any help is appreciated. Example code is below:
{ target: "#contactTether", content: "Either an email or contact number must be enterd, however both would be nice." },{ target: "#autoFillTether", content: "Click this button to auto populate the form from your contacts." },{ target: "#nextPageTether", content: "Click to head to the next page of the form.", after: function(){ var deferred = $q.defer(); $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.next(); deferred.resolve(); return deferred.promise; } }
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