@TJL wrote:
Im having trouble setting ionic state view, need to help to clarify the view/state. If i set it to profile it'll show but in the wrong view(profile view) and if i switch to student it doesn't navigate there. Any help would be greatly appreciate it.
.state('tab.student', { url: '/student', views: { 'tab-profile': { <====== here i change to 'student and will not work. templateUrl: 'templates/components/student_profile/student-profile.html', controller: 'StudentProfileCtrl', controllerAs: 'studentCtrl' } } });
<li><a class="item menu-item text-center" menu-close href="#/tab/profile">_Profile</a></li> <li><a class="item menu-item text-center" menu-close href="#/tab/student">_Student</a></li>
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