@claudineirdj wrote:
I'm new to Ionic and AngularJS so I'm struggling with (hopefully) something simple. I have these two states:
.state('menu', { url: '/mobile/beer', controller: 'beerCtrl', templateUrl: 'templates/beer-menu.html' }) .state('detail', { url: '/mobile/beer/:id', controller: 'beerDetailCtrl', templateUrl: 'templates/beer.html', resolve: { beer: function($stateParams, beerService) { return beerService.findBeerById($stateParams.id) } } })
The 'menu' state fetches all beers from a server and hand the list over to 'beer-menu.html' that contains an ion-list to display the list. When the user selects a beer in the list, the 'detail' states steps in to display more details about the beer.
It's all working but I want to improve it a bit by using an abstract state:
.state('beer', { abstract: true, url: '/mobile/beer' }) .state('beer.menu', { url: '', controller: 'beerCtrl', templateUrl: 'templates/beer-menu.html' }) .state('beer.detail', { url: '/:id', controller: 'beerDetailCtrl', templateUrl: 'templates/beer.html', resolve: { beer: function($stateParams, beerService) { return beerService.findBeerById($stateParams.id) } } })
It looks totally OK to me - esp because this is based on one of the 'Formulas' from the Ionic Framework website. Nevertheless the app stops working when I structure the states like that. I've tried to tweak it in various way but couldn't get it working. Do you see what's wrong?
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