@austingrove wrote:
Hey guys.
I am trying to do a code key where the each key pair sits in a column then will wrap depending on the device width. I don’t want the individual letters inside the columns to wrap so there is a text-wrap ->text-nowrap going on. I am seeing that on ionic serve, it displays fine but on device, the wrap does not wrap accordingly and some letters are missing because they are off the screen.
<h1>Code Key</h1> <ion-grid> <ion-row text-wrap> <ion-col *ngFor="let letter of code.keys; let i = index" [attr.data-index]="i" text-nowrap> <span *ngIf="i%2 || difficulty != 'hard' "><strong>{{letter}}:</strong>{{code.map[letter]}}</span> </ion-col> </ion-row> </ion-grid>
Here is on ionic serve
Here is the image of what it looks like on mobile.
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