@nouleho wrote:
Could someone please explain me how to change button to play or pause.
Actually I have two buttons (play and pause):
<button ion-button icon-only round (click)="startAudio()"> <ion-icon name="play"></ion-icon > </button> <button ion-button (click)="stopAudio()" color="danger"> <ion-icon name="pause"></ion-icon> </button>
I have a function for each button.
startAudio() { let options: StreamingAudioOptions = { successCallback: () => { console.log('Finished Audio') }, errorCallback: (e) => { console.log('Error: ', e) }, initFullscreen: false // iOS only! }; this.streamingMedia.playAudio('http://myurl/music.mp3', options); } stopAudio() { this.streamingMedia.stopAudio(); }
I saw that I can do a variable like this :
<button ion-button icon-only round (click)="startAudio()"> <ion-icon [name]="someVar"></ion-icon > </button>
But where can i switched somevar to play or pause ? and the functions startAudio() and stopAudio() ?
How can I do that, please ?
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