@aluco wrote:
I’m wondering how to use transaction with SQLite from ionic native’s framework. I use the following code:
syncProducts(products: Array<Product>){ if(this.networkService.isConnected()){ this.database.create({name: "data.db.sqlite", location: "default"}) .then(database => { console.log("Crear una transaccion"); database.addTransaction(tx => { tx.start(); console.log("TRANSACTION BEGIN -------"); let productsForSync = products.filter(product => product.status == 1); for(var i = 0; i < productsForSync.length; i++){ this.productService.sendProduct(productsForSync[i]).then(()=>{ tx.executeSql("UPDATE product SET status = 2 WHERE id = "+productsForSync[i].id ,[],data => { console.log("data:"+data); },error => { console.log("Error in sql: "+error); }); }).catch(error => { console.error("Error from post: "+JSON.stringify(error)); }); } }); }); }else{ console.log("No hay internet"); } }
But the log “TRANSACTION BEGIN” it’s not getting triggered. How Ican use it?
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