@wvoelcker wrote:
Hi all,
I’m confused by some behaviour I am seeing in my ionic3 app, and wonder if anyone can help me understand what is going on.
The behaviour is:
I am importing ViewChild and Content
import { Component, ViewChild, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController, NavParams, Content } from 'ionic-angular';
And then using them in a page:
export class MyPage { @ViewChild(Content) content: Content; constructor( public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public zone: NgZone ) {} }
Confusingly, what I am seeing is this.content.scrollTop is 0 - unless in the HTML template I bind ionScroll to a function, like this:
<ion-content padding (ionScroll)="scrollHandler($event)">
scrollhandler can be an empty function:
scrollHandler() { /* Don't do anything */ }
If I bind to ionScroll in that way, this.content.scrollTop works as expected.
Does this make sense to anyone? I can’t see anything in the docs about it.
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