@trollanfer wrote:
I have stored images in a local pouchdb, and want to retrieve them…
my html
<img [innerHTML]="getimage('png.png')">
page function
getimage(file){ this.pouch.getimagepouch(file).then((res)=>{ return res; }); }
database function :
async getimagepouch(img){ console.log('appel getimagepouch'); try{ let blob = await this.localdbimages.getAttachment(img, img); let url = 'src='+ URL.createObjectURL(blob); return url; } catch (err){ console.log(err); } }
It seems like there is an infinite loop, (recursive ?), getimage gets called again and again…
I get these url in getimagepouch :
After some time, I get this error :
Lazy require of app.binding did not set the binding field
Any clue??
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