@RobertLow wrote:
Hi, i am having this HTML code
<div> <ion-label>Fruits</ion-label> <ion-select [selectOptions]="selectOptions" [(ngModel)]="fruits" multiple="true" okText="Done" cancelText="Dismiss"> <ion-option>Apple</ion-option> <ion-option>Banana</ion-option> <ion-option>Grape</ion-option> <ion-option>Mango</ion-option> <ion-option>Orange</ion-option> <ion-option>Papaya</ion-option> </ion-select> </div>
How can I get multiple answer to be stored for further used?
Am really new to coding please help thank you in advance apepricated.
As I done this in ts
fruit: string; console.log(this.fruit);
it became array how can I show all the values that is being pass to next page.
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