@mdline wrote:
I am loading data from backend which takes a while for fetching.
The problem is that the data will not be shown on the initial selected tab (here allPage) after loading.
Only when I switch between the tabs the data will be displayed.
The passed parameters are initialized in “readPersonInfo”.Here is my code from TabPage
ngOnInit() { this.readPersonInfo(); } <ion-tabs selectedIndex="0"> <ion-tab [root]="allPage" [rootParams]="allParameters" tabTitle="All"></ion-tab> <ion-tab [root]="menPage" [rootParams]="menParameters" tabTitle="Men"></ion-tab> <ion-tab [root]="womenPage" [rootParams]="womenParameters" tabTitle="Women"></ion-tab> </ion-tabs>
Here is the code from nested Pages “AllPage”
ionViewWillEnter() { this.info= this.navParams.data.info; this.allParameters= this.navParams.data.parameters; }
The allParameters are not shown on initial tab.
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