@Packo wrote:
I am developing a SPA that runs on the web that has deep links.
For the deep links I am using pages like:
@IonicPage({ name: 'example', segment: 'example' }) @Component({ templateUrl: 'example.html' }) export class ExamplePage {}
That works well and this page is available under http://localhost:8100/#/example
So far so good but now I want to load some userdata from the server before I show the user his page and because it could take awhile to load the data I want to show him a loading page meanwhile.
So actually I would like to have something like:
- user enters deep link to his browser
- always showing loading screen the first time the app loads
- load userdata and check if the user is allowed to see the page
- if user is not logged in redirect him to a login page and remember where wanted to go to redirect him afterwards to that page again
- if user is not allowed redirect to users home page and show a notification that the requested page is not visible for him
- if user is allowed then show him the page
Can someone help me to come there?
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