@simonjcarr wrote:
I am trying to get the current URL of the user from an inAppBrowser, however it only returns to me the URL that was set when I initially opened the inAppBrowser not the current URL that the user is on. Any ideas how I solve this.
Here is my code.
authenticate(){ const browser = this.inAppBrowser.create("https://oauth.binary.com/oauth2/authorize?app_id=xxxxx",'_blank', 'location=yes'); browser.on("loadstart").subscribe((event: InAppBrowserEvent)=> { this.currentURL = event.url; let url = event.url; this.liveToken = /token1=([^&]+)/.exec(url)[1]; this.testToken = /token2=([^&]+)/.exec(url)[1]; console.log(event); console.log(event.url); if(this.liveToken){ browser.close(); } }) }
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