@mrossid wrote:
help me
i am stucked in this problem since 5 hours ago
there are several weird things about this problem.
- this err only came when first ionic serve is run…
- after that the problem is seem fixed after saving the “user-page.ts” without changed its page.
- err report shows differences report
this really make me confused.
here are the err reports,
1.localhost reportTypescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts // Create form builder validation rules this.form = fb.group({ "username" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], Typescript Error Expected 1 arguments, but got 3. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts this.form = fb.group({ "username" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], "address" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(20)], [Validators.required]) ], Typescript Error Expected 1 arguments, but got 3. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts "username" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], "address" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(20)], [Validators.required]) ], "birthPlace" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], Typescript Error Expected 1 arguments, but got 3. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts "address" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(20)], [Validators.required]) ], "birthPlace" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], "birthDate" : ["",[Validators.required] ], Typescript Error Expected 1 arguments, but got 3. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts "email" : ["",[Validators.required] ], "phoneNumber" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(11)], [Validators.maxLength(12)], [Validators.required])] }); Typescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts saveEntry() : void { let username : string = this.form.controls["username"].value, birthPlace : string = this.form.controls["birthPlace"].value, Typescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts let username : string = this.form.controls["username"].value, birthPlace : string = this.form.controls["birthPlace"].value, birthDate : string = this.form.controls["birthDate"].value, Typescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts birthPlace : string = this.form.controls["birthPlace"].value, birthDate : string = this.form.controls["birthDate"].value, address : string = this.form.controls["address"].value, Typescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts birthDate : string = this.form.controls["birthDate"].value, address : string = this.form.controls["address"].value, email : string = this.form.controls["email"].value, Typescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts address : string = this.form.controls["address"].value, email : string = this.form.controls["email"].value, phoneNumber : string = this.form.controls["phoneNumber"].value; Typescript Error Property 'form' does not exist on type 'AddUserPage'. D:/ocPro/MRossidTechTestAlfacart/src/pages/add-user/add-user.ts email : string = this.form.controls["email"].value, phoneNumber : string = this.form.controls["phoneNumber"].value; this.createEntry(username, address, birthPlace, birthDate, email, phoneNumber); Ionic Framework: 3.9.2 Ionic App Scripts: 3.1.6 Angular Core: 5.0.3 Angular Compiler CLI: 5.0.3 Node: 8.9.4 OS Platform: Windows 8.1 Navigator Platform: Win32 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
inspect element
command prompt
i believed that nothing’s wrong with my code
here are my codes,
add-user.tsimport { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { IonicPage, NavController, ViewController , ToastController} from 'ionic-angular'; import { FormGroup, Validators, FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { HttpClient , HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http'; import { ModalController } from 'ionic-angular'; import { LoadingController } from 'ionic-angular'; @IonicPage() @Component({ selector: 'page-add-user', templateUrl: 'add-user.html', }) export class AddUserPage { public from : FormGroup; public username : any; public address : any; public birthPlace : any; public birthDate : any; public email : any; public phoneNumber : any; private baseURI : string = "" ; constructor ( public fb : FormBuilder, public http : HttpClient, public navCtrl : NavController, public viewCtrl : ViewController, public toastCtrl : ToastController, public modalCtrl : ModalController, public loading : LoadingController){ // Create form builder validation rules this.form = fb.group({ "username" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], "address" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(20)], [Validators.required]) ], "birthPlace" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(2)], [Validators.maxLength(10)], [Validators.required]) ], "birthDate" : ["",[Validators.required] ], "email" : ["",[Validators.required] ], "phoneNumber" : ["", Validators.compose( [Validators.minLength(11)], [Validators.maxLength(12)], [Validators.required])] }); } closeModal() { let loader = this.loading.create({ content: 'Saving Information.. ', }); loader.present(); setTimeout(() => { loader.dismiss(); }, 1000); console.log('close modal'); this.viewCtrl.dismiss();} saveEntry() : void { let username : string = this.form.controls["username"].value, birthPlace : string = this.form.controls["birthPlace"].value, birthDate : string = this.form.controls["birthDate"].value, address : string = this.form.controls["address"].value, email : string = this.form.controls["email"].value, phoneNumber : string = this.form.controls["phoneNumber"].value; this.createEntry(username, address, birthPlace, birthDate, email, phoneNumber); this.closeModal();} createEntry(username : string, address : string, birthPlace : string, birthDate : any, email : string, phoneNumber : string) : void { let headers : any = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }), options : any = { "key" : "create", "username" : username, "address" : address, "birthPlace" : birthPlace, "birthDate" : birthDate, "email" : email, "phoneNumber" : phoneNumber }, url : any = this.baseURI ; this.http.post(url, JSON.stringify(options), headers) .subscribe((data : any) => { // If the request was successful notify the user this.sendNotification(`Congratulations the technology: ${username} was successfully added`); this.sendNotification(`slide down to reload the page..`); }, (error : any) => { this.sendNotification('Something went wrong!'); });} sendNotification(message : string) : void { let notification = this.toastCtrl.create({ message : message, duration : 3000 }); notification.present();} }
here is the app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { IonicApp, IonicErrorHandler, IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular'; import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen'; import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar'; import { MyApp } from './app.component'; import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home'; import { AddUserPage } from '../pages/add-user/add-user'; import { ViewUserPage } from '../pages/view-user/view-user'; import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ MyApp, HomePage, AddUserPage, ViewUserPage ], imports: [ BrowserModule, IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp), HttpClientModule ], bootstrap: [IonicApp], entryComponents: [ MyApp, HomePage, AddUserPage, ViewUserPage ], providers: [ StatusBar, SplashScreen, {provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler} ] }) export class AppModule {}
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