@Nubdienub wrote:
Hello, I am trying to get my push notifications to work using the native push plugin (phonegap). Right now I somewhat have it working. I can:
- Show notifications while I am inside my app using an alert
- Show notification on my start screen but only when it is off
Right now I am missing the following:
- Notification showing while I am using other apps, for example Google Chrome app
- Notification triggering the screen of my device, when a notification is send I want the screen to turn on, I know this can be done because I have other apps (like WhatsApp) that do this all the time but this is not happening with the Push plugin.
This is my code (straight from the docs):
this.checkPermission(); const options: PushOptions = { android: { senderID: '123456' }, ios: { alert: 'true', badge: false, sound: 'true' }, windows: {} }; const pushObject: PushObject = this.push.init(options); pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => alert(notification.message)); pushObject.on('registration').subscribe((registration: any) => console.log('Device registered', registration)); pushObject.on('error').subscribe(error => console.error('Error with Push plugin', error)); checkPermission(){ this.push.hasPermission() .then((res: any) => { if (res.isEnabled) { console.log('We have permission to send push notifications'); this.createChannel(); } else { console.log('We do not have permission to send push notifications'); } }); } createChannel(){ this.push.createChannel({ id: "testchannel1", description: "My first test channel", // The importance property goes from 1 = Lowest, 2 = Low, 3 = Normal, 4 = High and 5 = Highest. importance: 3 }).then(() => console.log('Channel created')); }
Can, what I want, be done? Do I need to configure something to get this done?
Thanks in advance.
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