@Shequeri wrote:
I have this error for a few days now but all was vain. Please do help me if you can, thanks. Below is my console;
C:\Users\Tomorow\appocalypse\QRDoors>ionic serve Starting app-scripts server: --address --port 8100 --livereload-port 35729 --dev-logger-port 53703 --nobrowser - Ctrl+C to cancel [12:33:54] watch started ... [12:33:54] build dev started ... [12:33:54] clean started ... [12:33:54] clean finished in 5 ms [12:33:54] copy started ... [12:33:55] deeplinks started ... [12:33:55] deeplinks finished in 356 ms [12:33:55] transpile started ... [12:34:02] typescript: ...orow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/components/app/app-root.d.ts, line: 1 Module '"C:/Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'. L1: import { ComponentFactoryResolver, ElementRef, OnInit, OpaqueToken, Renderer, ViewContainerRef } from '@angu L2: import { App } from './app'; [12:34:02] typescript: ...QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/components/virtual-scroll/virtual-scroll.d.ts, line: 1 Module '"C:/Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'TrackByFn'. L1: ElementRef, IterableDiffer, IterableDiffers, NgZone, OnDestroy, Renderer, TrackByFn } from '@angular/core'; L2: import { Config } from '../../config/config'; [12:34:02] typescript: .../Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/config/config.d.ts, line: 1 Module '"C:/Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'. L1: import { OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core'; [12:34:02] typescript: ...pocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/navigation/nav-controller-base.d.ts, line: 20 Class 'NavControllerBase' incorrectly implements interface 'NavController'. Types of property 'popTo' are incompatible. Type '(indexOrViewCtrl: any, opts?: NavOptions, done?: Function) => Promise<any>' is not assignable to type '(page: string | ViewController | Page, params?: any, opts?: NavOptions, done?: Function) => Promi...'. Types of parameters 'done' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type 'NavOptions' is not assignable to type 'Function'. Property 'apply' is missing in type 'NavOptions'. L20: export declare class NavControllerBase extends Ion implements NavController { L21: parent: any; [12:34:02] typescript: ...ow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/navigation/url-serializer.d.ts, line: 1 Module '"C:/Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'. L1: import { OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core'; L2: import { DeepLinkConfig, NavLink, NavSegment } from './nav-util'; [12:34:02] typescript: ...w/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/platform/platform-registry.d.ts, line: 1 Module '"C:/Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'. L1: import { OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core'; L2: import { PlatformConfig } from './platform'; [12:34:02] typescript: ...s/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/ionic-angular/util/module-loader.d.ts, line: 1 Module '"C:/Users/Tomorow/appocalypse/QRDoors/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'OpaqueToken'. L1: ort { ComponentFactoryResolver, Injector, NgModuleFactory, NgZone, OpaqueToken, Type } from '@angular/core'; L2: import { Config } from '../config/config';
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