@temohpab wrote:
Hi, i have a service who checks if an internet connection is active:
this.connected = this.network.onDisconnect().subscribe(() => { console.log('you are offline'); this.presentConfirm(); }); this.disconnected = this.network.onConnect().subscribe(()=> { console.log('you are online'); }); presentConfirm(){ let vm = this; if(!vm.alertPresented) { vm.alertPresented = true vm.alertCtrl.create({ title: 'Advertencia', subTitle: 'No internet', enableBackdropDismiss: false, buttons: [{ text: 'Reintentar', handler: () => { vm.alertPresented = false; setTimeout(()=>{ if(this.checkConnection() == false){ this.presentConfirm(); } }, 400); } }], }).present(); } }
If i have an opened object in another TS (for example an InAppBrowser window)… How can i close it if internet doesn’t exists?
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