@mhtchong wrote:
I have two functions in my application that retrieves data from SQLite, However, function A loads faster than function B. I tried putting LoadingController but it doesn’t work. Once the page loads, function A has already been rendered in the view before the Loader even begins. Then once the Loader is dismissed, I have to wait 3 seconds before function B fully renders to my view.
So the flow is
Page loads -> Function A fully renders to view -> Loader.present() -> Loader.dismiss() -> (wait 3 seconds) Function B renders
I’m not sure if this has something to do with my database but I only have a couple of data. I even tested it on a new phone but it is still happening.
This is my code:
getPastExpensesSavings() { return this.database.executeSql("SELECT b.*, SUM(CASE WHEN es.type = 'expenses' AND es.date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) number_of_expenses, IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN es.type='expenses' AND es.date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) THEN es.amount ELSE 0 END), 0) AS total_expenses, SUM(CASE WHEN es.type = 'savings' AND es.date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) number_of_savings, IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN es.type='savings' AND b.budget_id Is NOT NULL AND es.date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) THEN es.amount ELSE 0 END), 0) AS total_savings, IFNULL(b.amount - (SUM(CASE WHEN es.type='expenses' AND es.date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) THEN es.amount ELSE 0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN es.type='savings' AND b.budget_id IS NOT NULL AND es.date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) THEN es.amount ELSE 0 END)), b.amount) as remaining FROM budget AS b LEFT JOIN expenses_savings AS es ON b.budget_id = es.budget_id WHERE b.budget_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY b.budget_id ORDER BY b.budget_id DESC", {}) .then(data => { this.expenses_savings = []; if(data.rows.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) { this.expenses_savings.push({ budget_id: data.rows.item(i).budget_id, amount: data.rows.item(i).amount, valid_from: data.rows.item(i).valid_from, valid_to: data.rows.item(i).valid_to, total_expenses: data.rows.item(i).total_expenses, total_savings: data.rows.item(i).total_savings, number_of_savings: data.rows.item(i).number_of_savings, number_of_expenses: data.rows.item(i).number_of_expenses, remaining: data.rows.item(i).remaining, details: [] }); } } return this.expenses_savings; }, err => { return err; }) } getPastSavingsExpensesDetails() { return this.database.executeSql("SELECT * FROM expenses_savings WHERE date != strftime('%Y-%m-%d', DATE('now', 'localtime')) AND budget_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY date DESC, time DESC", {}) .then(res => { this.expenses_savings_details = []; if(res.rows.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) { this.expenses_savings_details.push({ budget_id: res.rows.item(i).budget_id, type: res.rows.item(i).type, category: res.rows.item(i).category, title: res.rows.item(i).title, date: res.rows.item(i).date, time: res.rows.item(i).time, datetime: res.rows.item(i).date + ' ' + res.rows.item(i).time, amount: res.rows.item(i).amount, note: res.rows.item(i).note, image: res.rows.item(i).image }); } } return this.expenses_savings_details; }, err => { return err; }) }
ionViewWillEnter() {
this.getPastExpensesSavings(); } getPastExpensesSavingsDetails() { this.dp.getPastSavingsExpensesDetails() .then(data => { this.pastExpensesSavingsDetails = data; }) } getPastExpensesSavings() { this.dp.getPastExpensesSavings() .then(data => { let loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: 'Loading data. Please wait...' }); loading.present(); if(data.length == 0){ this.hasPastExpenses = false; }else { this.hasPastExpenses = true; this.pastExpensesSavings = data; this.dp.getPastSavingsExpensesDetails() .then(data => { this.pastExpensesSavingsDetails = data; for(var es = 0; es < this.pastExpensesSavings.length; es++) { for(var esd = 0; esd < this.pastExpensesSavingsDetails.length; esd++) { if(this.pastExpensesSavings[es].budget_id == this.pastExpensesSavingsDetails[esd].budget_id) { this.pastExpensesSavings[es].details.push(this.pastExpensesSavingsDetails[esd]) } } } }) } loading.dismiss(); }) }
<ion-list *ngFor="let item of pastExpensesSavings"> <accordion [list]="item"></accordion> <div class="test" *ngIf="item.details.length > 0"> <ion-item *ngFor="let detail of item.details" (click)="showDetails(detail.expenses_savings_id)"> <ion-icon class="card-icon" item-start [name]="detail.type == 'expenses' ? 'trending-up' : 'cash' " [color]="detail.type == 'expenses' ? 'danger' : 'custom'"></ion-icon> <h2>{{ detail.title }}</h2> <p>{{ detail.amount | number:'.2-2' }}</p> <p *ngIf="detail.type == 'expenses'" class="time-ago" item-end>Spent {{ detail.datetime | timeAgo }}</p> <p *ngIf="detail.type == 'savings'" class="time-ago" item-end>Added {{ detail.datetime | timeAgo }}</p> </ion-item> </div> <p text-center *ngIf="!item.details.length">No past records to show</p> </ion-list>
Is there a way I can make sure the the Loader stays until the data are fully retrieved and ready for render?
Thank you very much!
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