@keegan007 wrote:
For my first Ionic project, I am working on an application which involves a data set. I am trying to visualize the data using d3.js, and have succeeded in generating a static chart by following an awesome example presented on GitHub: https://github.com/abritopach/ionic2-d3js-example
Now, I am trying to add some interaction to this chart which would involve a marker that determines the current position in the chart, as show here: http://bl.ocks.org/benjchristensen/2657838
In my case, I do not need the data to change dynamically; I have static data that I want to visualise.Could someone please guide me towards doing this, and at least give me a starting point? I’m struggling with knowing where to place the event handlers in my code.
I am fairly new to front-end development. Any help would be greatly appreciated .
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