@FriendsChallenge wrote:
How can I modify the size of an image on iOS before upload to server?
For android I used the “targetWidth”-Option of getPicture-Function in ionic-native/camera. Unfortunately it does not work on iOS. Cordova documentation: “On iOS passing PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY or PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM along with DestinationType.NATIVE_URI will disable any image modifications (resize, quality change, cropping, etc.) due to implementation specific.”
import { Camera } from '@ionic-native/camera'; .... public takePicture(sourceType, task) { // Create options for the Camera Dialog var options = { quality: 50, targetWidth: 150, sourceType: sourceType, saveToPhotoAlbum: false, correctOrientation: true }; // Get the data of an image this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imagePath) => { // Special handling for Android library if (this.platform.is('android') && sourceType === this.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY) { this.filePath.resolveNativePath(imagePath) .then(filePath => { let correctPath = filePath.substr(0, filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); let currentName = imagePath.substring(imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, imagePath.lastIndexOf('?')); this.copyFileToLocalDir(correctPath, currentName, this.createFileName()) .then(newFileName => { if (newFileName == 'Error while storing file.') { this.loading.dismissAll(); this.presentToast('Error while uploading file.'); } else { this.uploadImage(task) } }); }); } else { var currentName = imagePath.substr(imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); var correctPath = imagePath.substr(0, imagePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); this.copyFileToLocalDir(correctPath, currentName, this.createFileName()).then(newFileName => { if (newFileName == 'Error while storing file.') { this.loading.dismissAll(); this.presentToast('Error while uploading file.'); } else { this.uploadImage(task) } }); } }, (err) => { this.presentToast('Error while selecting image.'); }); }
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