@spanchal wrote:
hello friends,
I am working with iBeacon Native, all working fine with single beacon.
but I CAN’T TRACK MULTIPLE BEACONS at same time. :(delegate: any; region: any; beaconUpdate: any; mybeacon : any = [{identifier : 'ionBeacon', uuid:'74278bda-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-720eaf059935', major: 65504,minor:65505,notifyEntryStateOnDisplay: true }, {identifier : 'ionBeacon', uuid:'e2c56db5-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-d0f5a71096e0', major: 0,minor:0,notifyEntryStateOnDisplay: true } ]; ionViewDidEnter() { console.log('ionViewDidEnter'); this.fnScan(); } fnScan(){ if (this.platform.is('cordova')) { // Request permission to use location on iOS this.ibeacon.requestAlwaysAuthorization(); if(this.mybeacon.length > 0){ //========= setup a beacon region ======== this.mybeacon.forEach(bcn => { let region = this.ibeacon.BeaconRegion(bcn.identifier, bcn.uuid, bcn.major, bcn.minor, bcn.notifyEntryStateOnDisplay ); // //============== start ranging ============ this.ibeacon.startRangingBeaconsInRegion(region); this.delegate = this.ibeacon.Delegate(); this.delegate.didRangeBeaconsInRegion(this.mybeacon) .subscribe(data => { this._ngZone.run(() => { let bcndata = data; if(bcndata.beacons.length > 0 ){ this.beaconUpdate = bcndata.beacons; } }); }); }); } }else { this.iBeaconTost('This application needs to be running on a device', 'Adnroid/iOS'); } }
<ion-card class="card" *ngFor="let bcn of beaconUpdate"> <h1> {{bcn.uuid}} </h1> <ion-row > <ion-col col-8 text-left> <a no-padding><b> rssi : </b>{{bcn.rssi}} </a><br/> <a no-padding><b> accuracy : </b>{{bcn.accuracy}} </a> <br/> <a no-padding><b> proximity : </b>{{bcn.proximity}} </a> </ion-col> <ion-col col-4 text-right> <a no-padding><b> major : </b>{{bcn.major}} </a><br/> <a no-padding><b> minor : </b>{{bcn.minor}} </a><br/> <a no-padding><b> tx : </b>{{bcn.tx}} </a> </ion-col> </ion-row> </ion-card>
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