@helpmelearn wrote:
We have a Popup Alert.
Can I use Angular commands in the Message or subtile value?
In the message we are building an HTML table to display data.
But in the table I need to use some ngIf to know if I can show some of the values or not.when I try to use an ngIf they seem to be taken out of the final HTML code.
Basic example.
let innerCode = '<table>' + '<tr *ngIf="this.data"><td>' + this.data + '</td> </tr>' + '</table>' let examplePopup = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: 'My Title' subTitle: innerCode , buttons: ['CLOSE'] }); examplePopup.present();
I can’t see how Angular would know that this HTML needs to be parse?
Any other suggestions for making a table in an Alert Popup?
— in AngularJS we were able to do this because the HTML was all in one files, then just had a tag to load that table HTML into the popup.
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