@perenyitamas wrote:
Trying to show all the locations from my json file on google maps with ionic native google maps plugin:I have a seperate provider containing the data, i would like to use for cycle and load all the markers, json example:
“locations”: [
{ "title": "Kerek-tó", "latitude": 47.800618, "longitude": 18.806419 },
export class TerkepPage { map:GoogleMap; lat:any; lang:any; constructor(public locations: HelyekProvider,private toastCtrl: ToastController,private plt: Platform,private geolocation: Geolocation, public navCtrl: NavController) { this.plt.ready().then(()=>{ var options={timeout: 15000}; this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(options).then(resp=>{ this.lat=resp.coords.latitude; this.lang=resp.coords.longitude; this.loadGoogleMap(); }).catch(()=>{ console.log("sikertelen location"); this.lat=47.49801; this.lang=19.03991; this.loadGoogleMap(); this.presentToast(); }); }); } ionViewDidLoad(){ } presentToast() { let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({ message: 'A helyadatok lekérdezése nem sikerült! Budapest lett megjelölve!', duration: 3000, position: 'bottom', showCloseButton: true, closeButtonText: "OK", }); toast.present(); } loadGoogleMap(){ let mapOptions: GoogleMapOptions = { camera: { target: { lat: this.lat, lng: this.lang }, zoom: 10, tilt: 30 } }; let map = GoogleMaps.create('map_canvas', mapOptions); let locationsLoaded = this.locations.load(); this.map.one(GoogleMapsEvent.MAP_READY) .then(() => { this.map.addMarker({ title: 'Jelenlegi helyzet', icon: 'yellow', animation: 'DROP', position: { lat: this.lat, lng: this.lang } }) .then(marker => { marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK) .subscribe(() => { }); }); }); }
The provider i am loading:
load(){ if(this.data){ return Promise.resolve(this.data); } return new Promise(resolve => { this.http.get('assets/data/locations.json').map(res => res.json()).subscribe(data => { this.data = this.applyHaversine(data.locations); this.data.sort((locationA, locationB) => { return locationA.distance - locationB.distance; }); resolve(this.data); }); }); }
Can anyone help me to add all those markers with the titles in my json file?
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