@suyin wrote:
I did encounter a very strange problem.
When using --prod flag navController.isTransitioning() stays true forever, so that I am unable to use pop().
When compiling without the --prod flag everything is fine.Is it a known issue?
Any workarounds?My intention is to remove pages and go back to the previous page. I am using animations for transitions.
I am using ionic-angular 3.8.0, cordova 8.0.0
My code:
public popAndBack(): void { const previousPage = this.nav.getPrevious(this.nav.last()); this.log.debug(this, "this.nav.isTransitioning() = ", this.nav.isTransitioning()); this.log.debug(this, "this.nav.canGoBack() = ", this.nav.canGoBack()); if (this.nav.canGoBack() && !this.nav.isTransitioning()) { this.nav.pop(); } } public push(targetEnum: NavTargetEnum): void { if (!this.nullChecker(targetEnum)) { return; } this.nav.push( this.mapTargetNameToComponent(targetEnum), {navTarget: targetEnum}, this.getAnimationParams(targetEnum) ); } protected getAnimationParams(navTarget: NavTargetEnum): any { if (navTarget === NavTargetEnum.GOALS) { return { animation: this.transitionType, animate: true, duration: 200, easing: "ease-in-out", direction: "right" }; } else { return { animation: this.transitionType, animate: true, duration: 400, easing: "ease-in-out", direction: "left" }; } }
Thank you!
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