@brandenwagner wrote:
angular.module("starter.directives", []);
angular.module('starter.directives').directive("calendar", function(){
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "templates/calendar.html",
scope: { selected: "=" },
link: function(scope) {
scope.selected = _removeTime(scope.selected || moment());
scope.month = scope.selected.clone();
var start = scope.selected.clone();
_buildMonth(scope, start, scope.month);scope.select = function(day) { scope.selected = day.date; }; scope.next = function() { var next = scope.month.clone(); _removeTime(next.month(next.month()+1)).date(1)); scope.month.month(scope.month.month()+1); _buildMonth(scope, next, scope.month); }; scope.previous = function() { var previous = scope.month.clone(); _removeTime(previous.month(previous.month()-1).date(1)); scope.month.month(scope.month.month()-1); _buildMonth(scope, previous, scope.month); }; } }; function _removeTime(date){ return date.hour(0).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0); //return date.day(0).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0); } function _buildMonth(scope, start, month) { scope.weeks = []; var done = false, date = start.clone(), monthIndex = date.month(), count = 0; while (!done) { scope.weeks.push({ days: _buildWeek(date.clone(), month) }); date.add(1, "w"); done = count++ > 2 && monthIndex !== date.month(); monthIndex = date.month(); } } function _buildWeek(date, month) { var days = []; for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { days.push({ name: date.format("dd").substring(0, 1), number: date.date(), isCurrentMonth: date.month() === month.month(), isToday: date.isSame(new Date(), "day"), date: date }); date = date.clone(); date.add(1, "d"); } return days; }
... <div class="item item-body"> <calendar selected="day"></calendar> </div> ...
I have included calendar.js in my index.html template and same with moments.js and underscore.js
Nothing comes up where i thought i should see a calendar...
Here is the error from devTools
[Error] SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')' Line: 18
(anonymous function) (, line 28)
onerror (, line 12)
[Error] SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')'
(anonymous function) (calendar.js, line 18)
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