@raphael_b wrote:
It seems that the is not working anymore (since yesterday morning). I updated ionic@beta yesterday and since checkboxes are not clickable anymore. I tried creating a brand new project and adding a checkbox on the hello page (I got the same issue).<ion-navbar *navbar> <button menuToggle> <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon> </button> <ion-title>Hello Ionic</ion-title> </ion-navbar>
Welcome to your first Ionic app!
<p> This starter project is our way of helping you get a functional app running in record time. </p> <p> Follow along on the tutorial section of the Ionic docs! </p> <p> <button primary menuToggle>Toggle Menu</button> </p> <ion-item> <ion-label>Arya Stark</ion-label> <ion-checkbox></ion-checkbox> </ion-item> </ion-content>
all the rest of the app is the exact ionic start project. Is it a bug or I am missing something obvious
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