@polska03 wrote:
I have the following code:
var headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');this.http.post( 'http://www.syntaxsuccess.com/poc-post/', JSON.stringify({firstName:'Joe',lastName:'Smith'}), {headers:headers} ).map( (res: Response) => res.json() ).subscribe( (res:Person) => { this.postResponse = res; console.log("VALUE RECEIVED: ",res); }, (x) => { /* this function is executed when there's an ERROR */ console.log("ERROR: "+x); }, () => { /* this function is executed when the observable ends (completes) its stream */ console.log("Completed"); } );
but I keep getting the error:
_this.http.post(...).map is not a function
. How can I fix this?
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