@onigetoc wrote:
Based on the tabs demo and chat param.
I want to show user based on there id.
i do not understand this ID things, Should it absolutly be 0,1,2,3,4,5.....?????
If it begin with any number. 9 for this exemple it do not work.
var smss = [{ id: '9', name: 'Ben Sparrow', lastText: 'You on your way?', face: 'img/ben.png', phone: '4181231234' }, { id: '1', name: 'Max Lynx', lastText: 'Hey, it\'s me', face: 'img/max.png' }, { id: '2', name: 'Adam Bradleyson', lastText: 'I should buy a boat', face: 'img/adam.jpg' }
it's only work if the id number is in order begining by 0.
angular.forEach(smss, function (value, key) { console.log(value.id); if (value.id === smsId) return smss[smsId]; });
smss.forEach(function (sms) { if (sms.id === smsId) { console.log(sms.id) console.log(smss[smsId]) return smss[smsId]; } })
What i really want, is that the ID will be the user phone number.
id: '123-123-1234',I do not understand why the id should absolutly be 0,1,2,3,4 ect....
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