@dtime35 wrote:
So I am using Ionic 1 with AngularJS 1.5+ to allow use of components. For the most part this is working great but there is one issue I am having. I have two tabs at the moment, the first tab is loading everything fine but when I click on the second tab, it loads the state but never the component/template. I am wondering if anyone has any insights. Just to reiterate, the tabs and home components are loading fine in the below code.
App Config:
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('app').config(['$ionicConfigProvider', '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', 'globalConfigProvider', function ($ionicConfigProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, globalConfigProvider) { $ionicConfigProvider.tabs.position('bottom'); $stateProvider.state('tabs', { url: '/tabs', abstract: true, views:{ 'tabs': { template: '<tabs></tabs>' } } }).state('tabs.home', { url: '/home', views: { 'tab-home': { template: '<home></home>' } } }).state('tabs.options', { url: '/options', views: { 'tab-options': { template: '<gorn-options></gorn-options>' } } }); $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/tabs/home'); }]); })();
Component: (Same for home except the name and home is working fine)
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('app').component('gorn-options', { selector: 'gorn-options', bindings: {}, controller: function () { console.info("Gorn options loaded"); }, controllerAs: 'gorn-options', templateUrl: 'views/pages/gorn-options/gorn-options.html' }); })();
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