@finke wrote:
I have a problem with the Cordova InAppBrowser plugin. I want to load the InAppBrowser right after the Ionic.Platform.ready event. This works fine and right after the splash-screen the InAppBrowser gets loaded. Now, if I close the InAppBrowser I can not click on my button with ng-click to open a new InAppBrowser.
My button looks like this:<button type="button" class="..." ng-click="open()">Launch</button>
In my controller I have:$scope.open = function () { console.log("Clicked!"); var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open('https://someadress', '_blank', 'location=no'); }; ionic.Platform.ready(function(){ $scope.open(); });
If I remove the
, the button works as it is supposed to.
Thanks in advance!
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