@chipit24 wrote:
When testing my app in the browser using
ionic serve
, my app looks just fine:However, when I push the app to Ionic View (on my iPhone), the header items are misaligned and overlap with the content:
What could cause such a problem?
file (redacted):<ion-nav-bar class="bar bar-header bar-assertive"> <ion-nav-buttons></ion-nav-buttons> </ion-nav-bar> <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>
file (redacted), which contains the header and container content:<ion-view> <ion-nav-buttons> <button nav-direction="back" ui-sref="settings" class="button button-icon icon ion-gear-b"></button> <div class="h1 title logo-img"></div> <button class="button button-icon icon ion-person"></button> </ion-nav-buttons> <ion-content scrollbar-x="false" class="has-header has-footer"> <div ng-repeat="post in homeCtrl.posts" class="list card"> <!-- card contents in here --> </div> </ion-content> ... </ion-view>
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