@boyfunky wrote:
So i am using the Ionic Push API to send a notification and while i am receiving the notification, i however do not get the message included in the notification. Yes it is weird and i know that but i dont know why it is happening.
This is my code
params = { "tokens" => ["DEVICE_TOKEN"], "profile" => "PROFILE_TAG", "notification" => { "title" => "Partners", "message" => "Hello World!", "payload" => { "$state" => "app.settings" }, "android" => {, "content_available" => 1, "sound" => "default", "forceShow" => true } } } uri = URI.parse('https://api.ionic.io/push/notifications') https = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host,uri.port) https.use_ssl = true req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path) req['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req['Authorization'] = 'Bearer API_TOKEN' req.body = params.to_json res = https.request(req) puts res.body
i get the notification but only the title shows up not the message. So im a bit confused on what i am doing wrong
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